My New Year Resolutions

Last year I decided that my new year's resolution was going to be about me - it sounds rather strange now but at the time I felt like I was putting a lot of energy and time into my life but I wasn't getting any personal satisfaction.

On reflection I feel that last year's resolution is the only one I've ever managed to keep and one that really has changed my focus on life, I now feel I know more about who I am than I ever have before. I put a lot of time into crafting which is now slightly starting to take over my life (if I didn't have a full time job I'd definitely be spending more time crafting), I taught myself to crochet - I need to refresh this but it felt like a big achievement, and I signed up for a tailoring course which starts on 17th January (I'm very excited about this and no doubt this will feature heavily over the next few months). I joined the fantastic Cam City WI of which I am the events organiser and have met some fantastic women. But more importantly for me I have started to lose weight.

I know this all sounds like I had a successful year but I seriously neglected my allotment due to the worse rain ever (the rain sent the slugs out who ate all of my seedlings which was very disheartening) - so this year I need to focus and spend more time growing my vegetables. I also have several craft projects that need finishing (this is a very bad habit of mine).

Enough of last year now for 2013, I have decided that this year I am going to have a blog, so here we are.......... a year of new beginnings and ambitions.


  1. Last year sounds amazing - here's hoping 2013 is even better :)

  2. That sounds so great! I can't wait to see your continued craft goodies:) And the blog looks fantastic! Good luck!

  3. I have Jen (magic feather) to thank for the blog she has done an amazing job I couldn't be happier. I hear from claireabellemakes that you will be doing more blogging this year - I shall look forward to it x

  4. That's my aim, I have a blog planner and everything to try and make me more organised! Jen did a great job:)

  5. What a pretty blog! Sounds like you had a good year in 2012 let 2013 be a continuation. One of my aims is to follow more blogs for crafting inspiration, yours will be on my list. Look forward ro reading more soon.

  6. I am so happy you have decided to start a blog! Here's to lots of crafting together in 2013.

    Much love x

    P.S. I'll add your blog button to my page too!

  7. I'll add your button onto here once I figure out how to do it.

    I'm looking forward to us having lots of crafting together in 2013, and thanks for the encouragement for getting me to start this blog


  8. Well done on your new blog, look forward to seeing what you get up to!

  9. The new blog is absolutely beautiful and very you!! Well done Jen and well done Collette as the inspiration! 2012 sounded like a blast, excited to read all about your 2014! And exciting projects. I really must start my blog too... maybe you'll be the final inspiration I need! Enjoy blogging xxx
